Apply for “Colombo Plan Scholarship Program for Australian Students, 2024/2025”
Australian Government is inviting applications for Colombo Plan Scholarship Program available for Australian Students. Scholarship will be awarded for undergraduates to undertake semester-based study and internships or mentorships in participating regional locations. Around 60 scholarships will be awarded in the 2024 Round. The maximum duration of a Scholarship Program is 17 months. Scholars must undertake the majority of their Scholarship Program in one eligible Host Location. However, they may study or undertake an Internship/Mentorship at multiple Host Institutions or Host Organisations.
Study Subject(s): There are no limitations on the field of study a scholar may study as part of their scholarship study program. However, scholars must undertake a full-time study program for at least one study period (as defined by the host institution), for which they will receive full credit at their home university towards their bachelor’s degree or bachelor’s honours degree for their study program.
Course Level: Scholarships are available for undergraduates to undertake semester-based study and internships or mentorships in participating regional locations.
Scholarship Provider: Australian Government
Scholarship can be taken at: Scholarship Programs can be conducted in the following eligible Host Locations: Bangladesh, Bhutan, Brunei, Burma, Cambodia, China, Cook Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, Fiji, India, Indonesia, Hong Kong, Japan, Kiribati, Laos, Malaysia, Maldives, Marshall Islands, Mongolia, Nauru, Nepal, Niue, Pakistan, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Samoa, Singapore, Solomon Islands, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Thailand, Timor-Leste, Tonga, Tuvalu, Vanuatu and Vietnam.
Eligibility: Applicants must:
-be an Australian citizen. Applicants with dual citizenship, permanent residency or similar in another country/location are eligible, however, they must undertake their Scholarship in a third Host Location, in which they do not have citizenship or residency rights;
-be enrolled in an on-shore campus of an Australian University at the time of application;
-be between 18 and 28 (inclusive) years of age as at 1 January 2015;
-be undertaking a Bachelor Degree or Bachelor Honours Degree at the Commencement of the Scholarship Program. Bachelor Degree applicants must have completed at least one year of their Bachelor Degree at the Commencement of the Scholarship Program;
-have achieved a minimum 70 per cent graded average or equivalent for their undergraduate course to date;
-not be undertaking another Australian Government funded off-shore scholarship at the Commencement of, or concurrently with, the Scholarship Program; and
-not be a previous recipient of a New Colombo Plan Scholarship.
Where applicants are similarly meritorious, preference may be given to a student who has not previously been the beneficiary of an Australian Government funded off-shore scholarship. Successful applicants are also required to not accept another Australian Government funded off-shore Scholarship or mobility grant (including a New Colombo Plan Mobility Program grant) while holding a New Colombo Plan Scholarship. Additionally, the applicant’s proposed Scholarship Program must:
-be full-time. Students who are studying part-time in Australia are eligible to apply for a Scholarship, if they are in accordance with other eligibility requirements. However, while overseas, Scholars must undertake a full-time study program (for which they will receive full credit); and
-commence between January and December. Applicants who have already commenced or will commence a study abroad or exchange program overseas prior to 1 January are not eligible to apply for a Scholarship to continue that study.
Scholarship Open for International Students: Students of Australia can apply for these scholarships.
Scholarship Description: The New Colombo Plan Scholarship Program provides opportunities for Australian undergraduates to undertake semester-based study and internships or mentorships in participating regional locations. The New Colombo Plan is a flagship initiative of the Australian Government that aims to lift knowledge of the Indo-Pacific region in Australia and strengthen our people-to-people and institutional relationships, through study and Internships/Mentorships undertaken by Australian undergraduate students in the region.
Number of award(s): The maximum number of scholarships has increased to around 60 scholarships. To ensure a degree of geographic spread, an expected maximum of around 10 scholarships are likely to be awarded for study in any single eligible location.
Duration of award(s): The maximum duration of a Scholarship Program is 17 months.
What does it cover? A Scholarship will provide Scholars with: a travel allowance of $2,500, an establishment allowance of $2,500, a variable location-based monthly stipend of up to $2,500, health and travel insurance for the duration of their overseas Scholarship Program, a dedicated case manager for the duration of their Scholarship Program who provides services including: pre-departure briefings; advice on health and travel insurance, advice and assistance relating to accommodation; and payment of allowances; and a certificate of completion. A Scholarship may also provide: Payment of up to one Academic Year’s international tuition fees to a maximum of $15,000, payable directly to the Host Institution; and Payment of $1,000 for in-country language training fees, payable directly to the language training provider.
Selection Criteria: The following are the selection criteria against which applicants will be assessed, including their relative weighting. Applicants should address each criterion and limit their responses to 300 words per criterion. Applicants should use the guidance in the square brackets to draft their response.
-Demonstrated academic excellence (50 per cent weighting)
-Demonstrated leadership in the community (25 per cent weighting)
-The applicant describes how this experience enhances their cultural awareness, employment potential and their ability to operate in new and changing environments. The applicant also demonstrates an understanding of the overarching goals of the New Colombo Plan and how their proposed Scholarship Program contributes to those goals (25 per cent weighting)
Notification: In November 2014, Selections are finalized and the Minister for Foreign Affairs and the Minister for Education are notified of selection outcomes. All successful and unsuccessful applicants are notified of the outcome of their application.
How to Apply: Applications must be submitted through the New Colombo Plan Online application system. The application requires applicants to provide details of their proposed Scholarship Program (including the mandatory study component, and the Internship/Mentorship and language training components, where applicable) and the Host Location in which they intend to complete their Scholarship Program. The Department of Education will provide students nominated by their Home University with an application pack, including instructions on how to complete and submit an application and the required supporting documentation (including referee reports).
Scholarship Application Deadline: Australian universities are requested to conduct an internal selection process and nominate students to apply for the program from August to August (nominations close 11.59pm AEST). Nominees’ complete applications, including supporting documentation, must be submitted from 1 September to 26 September (applications close 11.59pm AEST).
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